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Royal Television Society Awards - Vasco Alexandre

MDX: "Utterly compelling and very touching" social realist drama Yard Kings wins in Scripted category

In a major coup for the University's Film and TV Production courses, two MDX entries have won prestigious Royal Television Society Awards. 

Behind the Scenes photograph from the short film "Yard Kings" Directed by Vasco Alexandre.

Film Daily: Harsh truths: Get to know ‘Yard Kings’ filmmaker Vasco Alexandre

'Yard Kings is Vasco Alexandre’s debut, and Film Daily was fortunate enough to chat with the filmmaker about his writing process, his experience working with first-time actors, and his difficulty editing during the COVID lockdown. Here’s what he had to say'

Ca'foscari film festival anouncing Vasco Alexandre's short film "Yard Kings" as the "Best Cinematography" winner.

Eyeforfilm: Yard Kings wins 'Le Giornate della Luce' Award at the Ca' Foscari Film Festival!

Still frame from the short film "Yard Kings" Directed by Vasco Alexandre.

UK Film Review - Yard Kings Review

'The creativity flowing from Universities across the country and overseas makes me incredibly excited about the future of cinema. Even if the surviving life of the cinema experience is flickering away as of now, the future seems pretty bright. I do believe we will bounce back, and look at all the talent just raring to go. Yard Kings is a must watch, if only to get a sense of that talent.'

Still frame from the short film "Yard Kings" Directed by Vasco Alexandre

Screen Anarchy - Here's why 'Yard Kings' might have won a few awards

Although its topic is too overused -domestic abuse- Vasco managed to approach it with a different perspective: through a child's protagonist's eyes. The film just began its circuit, and I could watch it online in South London Film Festival.

Still frame from the short film "Yard Kings" Directed by Vasco Alexandre.

Reel Time Flicks - Yard Kings Review 

'I’m delighted to announce a new entry to Spotlight for this month coming from first time filmmaker, Vasco Alexandre and his cast of fellow students from Middlesex University, London. Their debut short, Yard Kings, is a hard-hitting drama that covers the topic of domestic abuse through the eyes of children and how they find sanctuary within their imagination.'

Still frame from the short film "Yard Kings" Directed by Vasco Alexandre.

Cinema em portugal - yard kings review

A curta-metragem “Yard Kings” marca a primeira aventura cinematográfica realizada por Vasco Alexandre, e seria muito difícil iniciar-se uma carreira em realização com um filme tão sólido e interessante como este. 

Still frame from the short film "Yard Kings" Directed by Vasco Alexandre.

One Film Fan - yard kings review

A system of abuse and the yearning to elude and be free of it. A sad truth dictates that as much as we desire to witness a world of understanding, acceptance, and genuine adoration when it comes to our personal interactions with those we deem closest to us, the reality can sometimes be jarringly opposite and filled with anguish and anxiety instead. 

Still frame from the short film "Yard Kings" Directed by Vasco Alexandre.


Yard Kings is a powerful short story that is able to pack great character work and tons of emotions into a quick, sixteen-minute runtime. Keep an eye out for this movie on VOD. You should absolutely check it out.

Run Pee - yard kings review

It is a touching and heart warming. If you get the chance, invest the sixteen minutes and you won’t be disappointed. I hope someone gives Vasco Alexandre a much bigger budget and lets him make a full length feature very soon.

Behind the Scenes photograph from the short film "Ten With a Flag" Directed by Vasco Alexandre.

The Mention went to Yard Kings by Vasco Alexandre of Middlesex University "For how it manages to restore freshness and ingenuity to the gaze of the child protagonist and, at the same time, seeing the best of social realism cinema, for highlighting and giving naturalist depth to the most urgent and problematic aspects of the narrative."

Still frame from the short film "Yard Kings" Directed by Vasco Alexandre.

“Yard Kings”: Conheça a premiada curta britânica escrita e realizada pelo português Vasco Alexandre

Já exibida em Portugal na competição Take One da 29ª edição do Curtas Vila do Conde, em 2021, hoje damos a conhecer uma premiada curta-metragem britânica, produzida por Billy King, que foi escrita e realizada pelo português Vasco Alexandre, o filme de estreia do cineasta lisboeta de 28 anos.

Still frame from the short film "Yard Kings" Directed by Vasco Alexandre.
Still frame from the short film "Yard Kings" Directed by Vasco Alexandre.

movie reviews 101 - yard kings review 

ard Kings is a beautiful drama that shows the difficult world a child can find themselves in when it comes to being around abusive relationships. It shows how a young girl will find her own way to create escape.

Still frame from the short film "Yard Kings" Directed by Vasco Alexandre.

Movie critic 2000 - yard kings review

A bitter-sweet depiction of social realism, Vasco Alexandre's "Yard Kings" are, despite all realism, an ode to escapism from harsh realities of life, in this case a violent father who assaults the heroine's mother.

Still frame from the short film "Yard Kings" Directed by Vasco Alexandre.Still frame from the short film "Yard Kings" Directe

in my opinion flicks - yard kings review

Yard Kings is an independent short film about a 9-year-old girl named Ellie, who builds a safe haven for herself in a scrapyard away from her abusive household. Directed by Vasco Alexandre, this film explores the stubborn grit of children in the face of unfortunate circumstances that threaten to leave them powerless. 

Still frame from the short film "Yard Kings" Directed by Vasco Alexandre.

BRWC - Yard kings review

It's just a sweet short film. If you are a mother and have a little child, maybe this helps you a bit to appreciate this child because of the specialties that it builds up on its own. And even besides, “Yard Kings” is an appreciation of the little things.

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